Tour di guida con attività integrative (factory tour, track day, ecc). Itinerario sempre differente.

Driving tour with bonus activities (such as factory tours, track days, etc) and with a different route at every edition.

Tour di guida a spasso per le montagne con itinerario sempre differente.

Driving tour bringing you high up to the mountains and with a different route at every edition.

Tour di guida dall’elevata connotazione turistico-gastronomica riservato a vetture storiche e sportive moderne.

Exquisite gastronomic driving tour reserved for classic and modern sports cars.

Tour di guida (ca. 280 km) sullo scenografico arco occidentale delle Alpi.

Driving tour (approx. 280 km) over the scenic western arc of the Alps.

Tour di guida sulle leggendarie strade del Rally di Montecarlo.

Driving tour along the legendary roads of the Montecarlo Rally.

Da punto A a punto B, scegliendo la strada più tortuosa.

From point A to point B, along the most winding roads.

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